About the client
Zove is a premium ice cream brand, which is produced in Armenia and exported to Russia. Moscow and Saint Petersburg are the main market locations.
The Aim
Great packaging is an important unique selling proposition for any brand and product. Davel Creative Agency was challenged to come up with a naming and branding concept for the ice-cream brand. We had a few problems to solve. The name of the brand needed to sound Armenian for Armenians, but be international for foreigners, while the packaging needed to look premium, yet be acceptable by Russian consumers.
The solution
Davel came up with the brand name “Zove” as it means “Cool” in Armenian, but for Russian phonetic hearing it sounds like a European brand. For the packaging, we combined the best practices of premium American and European ice cream packaging and added some Armenian ornaments with the element of milk in it. Milk is a crucial part of the design. In most post-soviet countries dairy is perceived as healthy, nutritional food. For Russians, the more dairy in it, the better the ice-cream. The same concept would not have any success, for instance, in the US market. Especially, in recent years, anti-dairy motives are taking a toll and milk on the ice-cream packaging will not sell it. Considering that, we paid special attention to the splash of milk in the packaging. The milk splash, chocolate, vanilla, fruits and berries all are hand drawn specially for “Zove”.